Welcome to THATCamp Florida

Announcing THATCamp Florida!  The University of Central Florida will be hosting a regional THATCamp on the weekend of February 19-20, 2011 in sunny Orlando.  The gathering will involve about 75 people drawn broadly from the Humanities and will include Professors, Librarians, Graduate Students and interested parties (writers, musicians, etc.) who are engaged in sorting through the many and varied ways that our broadly shared disciplines intersect with emerging technologies.  It is our hope that the two-day affair at The University of Central Florida will offer a stimulating and energizing atmosphere which will foster a fruitful exchange of ideas as well as foster collaborative work among attendees.

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About Mark H. Long

A native of Florida, I left as soon as I could after high school swearing I would never return. I worked as a wilderness guide for a company based in Chicago for a number of years after college before finally deciding on a career in history. I received my Ph. D. from Loyola University in Chicago in American History. Ironically, I am currently back in Florida on the faculty at the University of Central Florida, where I am an instructor teaching courses in Florida, Southern and Frontier history.